Integrating New Section Into Established Site

I led the Small Business Administration (SBA) through a major addition to its flagship site.

When the U.S./Canada/Mexico agreement went into effect, the SBA needed to expand the content on its site to help business owners navigate this transition. We needed to create a hub of the most important content, and organize it in a way that made sense to business owners. I conducted a content audit, did domain research, facilitated workshops and card sorts, and led the integration of the new content.

  • Date: Nov 2019–Jan 2020

    Client: Small Business Administration

    Role: Content Strategy Lead

    Methods: Card sorting, facilitation, 2x2 prioritization

Domain research to understand broad concepts

One of the main challenges during this project was not having access to subject matter experts in SBA; the content team’s liaison at SBA wanted to keep tight control over the process. That made it difficult to understand the information and what would be most relevant for business owners. To mitigate this, I did a rapid audit of international-related content on the site, created a running list of topics, conducted desk research to further understand the domain, and conducted two card sorts to explore users’ mental models.

Aligning on topics and their relevance to our audience

Having established a universe of topics related to international sales, we needed to get the team on the the same page, and begin forming a vision of how the content would fit into the new site. I facilitated a workshop to create a shared understanding of:

  • how those topics should be organized,

  • which are most important for small business owners to understand (from SBA’s point of view), and

  • which topics business owners are most curious about.

Defining pages and where they live on the site

The workshop helped us establish groups of topics, and their relative importance to the audience. We knew the international sales section live within SBA’s Small Business Guide, but we didn’t know how. I proposed several approaches to integrate the new section. Once the client and developers agreed on an approach, we created a site map to document the structure. We also created a prototype on our staging site so our client and SMEs could see how it would all work.

The team has a clear path forward as I roll off the project

I completed this work as I was transitioning to another project. My goal was to leave the content team in a good position to build out the pages and launch. Through close stakeholder collaboration and clear communication, I was able to set the team up for success.


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